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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Energy Independence

I believe the time has come to make concerted efforts as a nation to seek energy independence. I realize that they are good and mostly valid reasons given for why we have taken such an interest in nations like Kuwait and Iraq.

However, I believe there is also a suspicious undergirding of a dependence on Mideast oil. If our presence in the Middle East was solely humanitarian: stopping genocides, preventing rape rooms, stopping human rights abuses...then we would be in Northern and Central Africa. No place on earth has seen the carnage of N Africa in the last several decades. Why such
little attention to Africa? I'd like to hear other reasons if there are any, but the only one I see is economic: oil.

Energy independence means that buying hybrids that get over 35 miles per gallon can be purchased tax free. Energy independence means giving tax incentives to corporations who pursue research of alternate fuels. Energy independence means tightening up regulations on companies to control their emissions.

Energy independence means we care more about the planet we've been given than our own comfort (although a planet with an ozone layer is a comforting thought).