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Friday, February 29, 2008

Pic 2 of 3

Beautiful day at Copper Mountain

It is difficult to capture to beauty of the Rocky Mountains. It is one
of my favorite parts of skiing

The camera on this iPhone is pretty amazing

Monday, February 18, 2008

Jesus is the answer? What is the question?

Here is one of my favorite quotes, first shared with me by Tim Pynes
> "Jesus is asked 183 questions directly in the four Gospels. He only
> answered three of them forthrightly. The others he either ignored,
> kept silent about, asked a question in return, changed the subject,
> told a story or gave an audio/visual aid to make his point, told
> them it was the wrong question, revealed their insincerity or
> hypocrisy, made the exactly opposite point, or redirected the
> question elsewhere!
> Check it out for yourself. He himself asks 307 questions, which
> would seem to set a pattern for imitation. Considering this, it is
> really rather amazing that the church became an official answering
> machine and a very self-assured program for 'sin management'.
> Many, if not most, of Jesus' teaching would never pass contemporary
> orthodoxy tests in either the Roman Office or the Southern Baptist
> Convention. Most of his statements are so open to misinterpretation
> that should he teach today, he would probably be called a
> 'relativist' in almost all areas except one: his insistence upon the
> goodness and reliability of God. That was his only consistent
> absolute."
> Richard Rohr

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Dumbing Of America -

Need another reason to be depressed about our country? Here you go

Brian Rants
*Sent from my iPhone

Do We Really Want Another Black President After The Events Of Deep Impact? | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Hard to believe I caucuses for this guy. What was I thinking

Brian Rants
*Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Trevor deep in thought

These guys are a total blessing, and fun to work with

Here we are having a brainstorming session across the street at dazbog

Bret hard at work

I have the best crew in the biz :)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Colorado Caucus

They were expecting 70

About 3-400 showed up

People want change. Go Obama!